Feeder Insect and Supplies FAQs

Q: How much bedding should I put in my bin? 

A. There should be between 1-3 inches of bedding at the bottom of the container you are keeping the feeder insects in. 

Q. How do I stop my feeder insects from pupating? 

A. If you have mealworms you can put them in the refrigerator to slow down the pupation process. If you have superworms, DO NOT place them in the refrigerator because they will die. Superworms will only pupate if they are isolated without food or moisture. 

Q: Why do my mealworms smell bad? 

A. Your feeder insects may be smelling bad because there may be a lot of dead worms. If you are finding that this is the problem try your best to remove the dead stuff. 

Q: Why are my superworms eating each other? 

A. Superworms can be cannibalistic. The may be eating each other if there is not enough food and water available. Make sure there is sufficient nutrients available for them. 


Composting Worms and Supplies FAQs

Q: Why does my vermicompost bin smell bad? 

A. Your compost bin may smell bad because you are putting too much food in at one time. If the worms are not eating the food fast enough the food may be causing an undesirable oder. Try putting in less food when feeding. 

Q: Why are my worms escaping?

A. Your worms could be leaving the bins for a multitude of reasons. This could be because of food, water, or temperature reasons. If there is not enough food in the bins worms may leave the bin in search of food. If there is too much water they will leave to escape this undesirable living condition. If the bedding increases in temperature the worms will also attempt to leave this undesirable living condition. If you see that worms are beginning to leave, make observations about these three important factors and adjust accordingly. 

Q: Why is there other stuff growing in my bin?

A. Other stuff growing in your bin is perfectly fine! Fungi and small insects are a natural part of a healthy decomposition in a vermicomposting bin! There is no reason to try to get rid of these other things unless they are taking over the bin. 

Q: When should I harvest my castings? 

A. You should harvest your castings every 12-14 weeks. When you start a vermicomposting bin you should set a reminder on your phone or calendar accordingly so that you do not forget when for harvest your castings. 

Q: What is the ratio if castings I should put in my flowerbed?

A. There sound be around 10-20% per volume of vermicastings in your bed. If you are transplanting, it may be best to place the castings near the root line. 


Company FAQs

Q: Where is Doodle Worms located?

A: We are located at 17817 Davenport Rd, Suite 125, Dallas, TX 75248. There are three buildings with blue awnings. We are located in the middle building. 

Q: What products do you have?A: We have a variety of products including live feeder insects, supplies for growing your own, vermicastings, earthworms, supplies for vermicomposting, soil amendments, and pest control. 

Q: Why do you not ship certain products during summer months?

A. We do not ship live mealworms, superworms, or composting worms during hot summer months to ensure that they will be alive upon arrival.

Q: When will my package arrive? 

A. We do not ship live insects over the weekend so that they can arrive as quickly to you as possible while still being alive.